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Friday, May 28, 2010

News Anchor 1 – Field Reporter 0

Here’s a case of contentious news reporting.

It seems to be more than a sign of the times in the news business – frayed nerves, wondering where the next story will be aggregated from, or who is plagiarizing your work. Even worse, will the news company you write for be sold, go chapter 11, or simply demand more employee concessions?

It’s not news anymore as giants like the Tribune Company struggle with the possibility of a long and protracted legal battle with their creditors, and the New York Times is in the midst of developing a “paywall” for its online news site.

The video footage below, which was captured by the YouTube channel (a site where “News FAILS Because Journalism Isn’t Dying Fast Enough”) speaks volumes, but maybe, just maybe it’s more an empathetic reaction of a reporter who witnessed a landlord tenant dispute in these hard times?

However, I would have expected this type of sideshow on FOX.


Arlee Bird said...

Wow, that almost seemed like a Saturday Night Live parody. As far as newspapers, and probably TV as well, I think they are trying to manipulate their audiences and indoctrinate them into agendas that most Americans don't want. I rarely watch TV news and I've cut back the number of days I get a paper and I don't really get it for news reportage.

Tossing It Out

Paula Slade said...

Lee - I'm on the same page with you regarding TV and newspapers.