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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving thanks for many gifts…

“Praying Hands” by Albrecht Durer

Today I say “thank you” for many gifts:

The Gift of Love – given freely and without judgment

The Gift of Family – for the ties that bind generations

The Gift of Shelter – all that surrounds, protects and comforts

The Gift of Food – that which nourishes and sustains

The Gift of Friendship – a binding knot of understanding and camaraderie

The Gift of Nature – the glory that envelops me in the beauty of each season

The Gift of Time – to cherish all that is and has been

Today, I honor the blessings of all of these, and every kindness.

Thank you to filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg for this beautiful and inspirational video, with music by Gary Malkin, and narration from Brother David Steindl-Rast.


Arlee Bird said...

That was a nice video. We do have so much to be thankful for and a lot of us don't take the time to think about that.

Blessings to you Paula.

Enjoy a delightful interview with Susan Kane at
Wrote By Rote on Saturday 11/26

Paula Slade said...

Thank you Lee! Blessings to you as well my friend! :)